On June 10th I embarked on a jounney to Uganda with Greg Ebersole and Kevin Roulac. Kevin is a student at Emporia State University from Hesston Kansas and Greg is a professional photographer from Longview Washington. With the fundraising assistance of the Hesston Mennonite Church, we were able to buy supplies and equipment for the Anthony Brown Comprehensive School in Pader Uganda. The school educates formerlly abducted child soldiers and vulnerable children. I laid the cornerstone for the school in 2006 when I visited Uganda at the request of Friends of Orphans, and organization which works specifically with child soldiers.
Our tme here to date has been spent assisting in buying the needed supplies and equipment for the school. We have also spent considerable time on the campus talking with students faculty and admnsitration. We have learned a great deal and will be reporting about it.
The ABCS is a skill based institution focusing on vocational skills with the view of preparing student for work. The programs include: wood working, welding, computer training, bricking laying, auto mechanics, tailoring and catering.
Today we will officially hand over the things we provided for them in a formal ceremony. I will report on that later today.