Erica's mother determined that she did not want to take Chemotherapy. Due to Erica's connections her mother's treatment began being supervised in early July by a natural medicine doctor who had practiced it for over forty years.
He checked the condition of her blood and her vital organs. They gave advice about the food she should eat and how to eat it. The food consisted of brown rice, natural salt, miso, soy sauce,vegetables and fermented food. She was instructed not to eat meat, oils, fish, sugar, eggs, or animal protein. The food she was instructed to eat was organic with no chemical additives . She was told to chew each bite of food at least two hundred times before swallowing. They also instructed her to continue with the various compress treatments.
After she saw the doctor she became enthused and hopeful about her condition. In two weeks she became increasingly independent taking more care of herself without Erica's assistance in administering the various compress treatments.
She takes sauna three times per week. She walks regularly and her condition is improving. In her last check up with the doctor, she was told that her condition is improving steadily. You can see this improvement in her energy level, the almost complete removal of pain related to rheumatism (she no longer takes medication for rheumatism) and in the complete disappearance of her cough. The doctor reports that her vital organs are strengthening. She will continue on with these treatments. We are please for the natural way she is being healed. We applaud her for her courageous choice not to have chemotherapy. She reports that this is the happiest time of her life. She is thankful for the cancer because it has changed her lifestyle and her world view. According to the western doctor's predictions she should now be preparing to die. Nothing could be further from the truth.